Tseren Tumet

Final Fantasy XIV


Race:Au Ra, Xaela
Origin:The Azim Steppe
Trade:Tattoo Artist
Weight:230 pounds
Alignment:Neutral Good
Company:Shinku Tatsu

“Damn Bro.... Nice Cock!”




Thin Smirk


Boring People

Close Minded✧✧✦✦✦Open Minded

Lore: Origins:

MANY MOONS AGO... within the vast expanse of grassland that stretches across the far reaches of northern Othard, a young Xaela was born to unremarkable parents within the safety of the Azim Steppe. The child was simply called "boy" as the traditions of his clan found him unworthy of such a thing as simple as a name until he passed his trial. As the boy grew, he noticed he was different from the others... he found beauty in the sunrise and the world around him. While the other boys found happiness in the thrill of the hunt, the boy only wish to doodle and daydream. A disappointment to his parents, the boy yearned for a life outside of the expectations of his clan and the shackles he felt bound to by tradition.

UPON SEEING THEIR TENTH SUMMER, the children of the Tumet are tied to a sacred tree while the remainder of the tribe packs up and moves to their next location. Those children who manage to break free from their bonds and catch up with the tribe at that next location, are given a name and allowed into the tribe. The boy, having reached his tenth summer, was strapped to the sacred tree along with one other. As the sun set into the cold of night, the screams of the boy went unanswered as he struggled in vain to free himself from his bonds.

WAKING THE NEXT MORNING, the other child... the boy's childhood friend... had freed himself from his bonds. With hope in his heart the boy called out for help... but the other child only looked at the boy with disdain... as one to weak to free himself from their bonds. Without looking back, the freed Xaela abandoned the boy to his fate. As the silhouette of his assumed friend faded into the distance... the boy wept in sorrow at the cruelty of the world. Hunger, dehydration, and the heat of the sun caused weakness to creep into the boy... as the sun set on the second day, the boy only knew despair as he started to accept the inevitable death that was soon to come.

SHINKU TATSU... an upcoming adventure hub centered out of Shirogane... that was the place the boy found himself awakening in. He learned he was discovered some days into his Trail by a group of adventurers whom found him inches from death's door. Lady Akari Kokyu, the Director of the Company, had taken the boy into her care as she nursed him back to good health. Once the Lady learned the boy had no name, she named the child Tseren. As the summer months faded and winter gave way to spring, the boy slowly healed from the trauma of his past. The Lady found the boy a home and a father with her bother; the Sumi-e Master Onishi Kakyo.

AS THE STORY GOES, a boy became a man... Tseren grew up under the tutelage of Onishi Kakyo, a Pictomancer whom mastered the art of Sumi-e and Eastern Tattooing. Through his guidance, Tseren spent his teen years with intense training, rigorous study, and strict routine. As he grew into a young adult and completed his apprenticeship, Tseren remained with his adoptive father till the man's untimely death. It was then that Tseren returned to Shinku Tatsu and officially joined the ranks of the adventure society as the company's Aetheric Tattoo Picto-Artist.

PRESENT DAY... Tseren has adapted to the changes within the company as the once large Adventure Society downsized and converted into the Bathhouse Resort it is today. The eccentric Tattoo artist continues to work as the company's Picto-Artist, but also works as one of the venue's Host.
As the "New World" of Turial is discovered and the company is called to provide the best of the best they have to offer of Adventurers, Tseren finds himself drawn into the coming conflict as he prepares to traverse the ocean with his cousin and friend, Kamor'a Xai. Who knows what stories they will have to tell, what adventurers await... and best of all... what new boys he will meet in this new and exciting world...


Below is a list of possible points of interest that your character and mine might share.
Any hooks marked with a (*) are rarer and circumstantial that will require OOC communication and/or time for the plot to develop.

The Anomoly

  1. Eccentric in appearance, his unique horns and tattoo covered body makes him an oddity to most.

  2. Born in the Steppes, raised in Kugane... this 'Bro' has developed his own style of Chad-Talk that sets him apart from traditional Eastern folk.

  3. Did he just paint that portrait into a Portal and step through? That can't be normal? Right?

Common Trade

  1. Tseren considers himself a Lover and not a Fighter, however this Pictomancer was raised by the best Kugane has to offer in the art of Eastern Sumi-e and Tattooing and is a capable warrior when necessary.

  2. An Expert in Aether Tattooing, Tseren prides himself on his craft. May-haps you commissioned him in the past or wish to commission him in the near future.

Familiar Face

  1. Being a Xaela or Au Ra, in general, may sway a natural kinship and comfort to approach him.

  2. (*)You were associated with the Tumet tribe in some manner, and/or you think you may recognize him.


Tseren's Apartment

Shirogane - Ward 19 - Sub-Division- Apartment 19
Crystal | Mateus

Out of Character:

“I’ll leave tomorrow’s problems to tomorrow’s me.”



  1. Those who partaketh in the realm of reality should be privy to understanding its prioritization over fantasy. (Real life comes first!)

  2. I am open to Romance RP, and am new to ERP, however, I generally keep my RP centered around story progression... meaning things need to make sense and the work and time needs to be invested to create that environment.

  3. IC ≠ OOC. Well-versed in RP etiquette, do not blur the lines.

  4. 18+, especially if things start shifting to the Romance side of things.

  5. RP tag on = feel free to approach.

  6. Prefer in-game Role Play.

  7. Please no Lore-Thumpers, I like to be lore-friendly, but not to the point where it stifles creativity.

Hello fellow gamers! A little about myself, the writer behind Tseren.I started roleplaying in 2017 back in my Wildstar days. After the game shutdown, I moved to Final Fantasy XIV where I have been since. My roleplay has evolved over time, from where I started only doing combat/adventure style RP, to where I am today, enjoying all aspects that roleplay has to offer.Outside the roleplay world, I am an Active Duty Navy Chief Petty Officer. I have served my country for 19 years and -hoping- to retire here in the coming years. I am married to my handsome and loving husband for 10 years and we have two beagles.



  1. Social | Slice of Life.

  2. Personal Story Development.

  3. Long | Short-Term Plots.

  4. Friendship | Rivalry.

  5. Adventure.

  6. Dark | Mature | Romance.

  1. Mirror Style.

  2. Multi-paragraph.

  3. Internal Dialogue.

  4. Go with the flow.